Pakistan Extends Detention of Accused American Official


The American official accused in the shooting deaths of two Pakistani men will be detained for an extended period of up to eight days, despite renewed calls from the U.S. that he be immediately released under the provisions of diplomatic immunity.

Raymond Davis, as the American has been identified by Pakistani investigators, court documents and a source close to Davis, appeared in a Pakistani court this morning but was not afforded a lawyer or translator, a spokesman from the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, said.

A week after the incident, U.S. officials have yet to name Davis as the official in custody, referring to him only as a diplomat and member of the embassy's administrative and technical staff. Pakistani officials described Davis as a "technical adviser" and his military record shows experience with the U.S. Special Forces.

"The U.S. Embassy reiterated to the Government of Pakistan today that his continued detention is a gross violation of international law," the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, said in a statement today. "Under the Vienna Convention and Pakistani domestic law, he is entitled to full criminal immunity and cannot be lawfully arrested or detained."

The statement said that in the court appearance today Davis was "denied due process and a fair hearing." Pakistani officials had said they would rule on whether he is granted diplomatic immunity this week, but have extended the decision while police investigate the shooting for up to eight days, officials told ABC News.

Davis, who runs a small private security consulting business, allegedly shot and killed two men who he said were attempting to rob him last week in Lahore, Pakistan. A third Pakistani man died after he was struck by a vehicle that was reportedly racing to Davis' aid. The U.S. State Department called the shooting self defense.

"We deeply regret that the January 27 events in Lahore resulted in the loss of life following an attack on the diplomat by armed assailants," the statement from the U.S. embassy said. "However, the Government of Pakistan must comply with its obligations under international and Pakistani law and ensure that he has immunity from criminal jurisdiction. "

Relatives of Dead Demand Terrorism Charges for Davis

The decision to extend Davis' detention comes a day after the relatives of the men who were shot demanded in a press conference that terrorism charges be brought against Davis.

Pakistan's Interior Minister Rehman Malik echoed the position of several high level Pakistani officials when he told reporters Tuesday that the case against the American would go before a Pakistani court.

Lahore's High Court asked the Pakistani government Tuesday to place Davis on the "exit control list," which would bar him from leaving the country, an official told ABC News.

According to public documents, Davis currently owns Hyperion Protective Consultants, LLC, which provides clients with "loss and risk management professionals" and sells safety and surveillance equipment.

In addition to not identifying the American official, the State Department has declined to say precisely in what capacity he was working for the government -- beyond as a diplomat -- or why he was apparently armed at the time of the incident.
